Your Items Are Safe!

While your item is in pawn, you still own it. Your item is safely stored until you come back to pay your loan in full and claim your merchandise. When you give us an item of collateral for pawn, we keep all accessories (remote controls, cables, etc.) with your item, and place it in our secure facility in an area designated by your pawn loan number. All Cash in a Flash shops are fully insured for the total loan value of the collateral we keep.

Our Pawn Brokers are professionals trained in all aspects of our business, including extensive education on the products we receive and sell. Cash in a Flash employees take pride in their work and it shows—from their consistent dress code to the way they greet customers and confidently handle transactions, they are professionals who are ready to help you.

Our stores are routinely audited by an Internal Audit & Security Department, and we work closely with local law enforcement officials.